Mars- Our Home

Mars –

Our New Home?


Think carefully about each question, and use evidence from the texts to support your conclusions. Write your answers in full sentences, and use explanations and examples where needed.


Surface Level: Find the Answer in the Text

  1. What are some similarities between Earth and Mars?


They both have ice


  1. Humans would find it challenging to live on Mars without what?




  1. What are the 3 things that the article says are making our planet Earth unlivable?


Pollution climate change And Overuse of natural resources  


Inference: Use Clues from the Text to Think of an Answer

  1. Explain in your own words why scientists are exploring the possibility of a move to Mars?


Because earth is dying


  1. What are some challenges that humans would face if there was a move to Mars?


No Oxygen No water and no food to produce 


  1. Why do you think plants will be so important to the terraforming of Mars?


We Would need plants to produce food and Oxygen


Unfamiliar Words: Clarifying Language that may cause Misunderstanding


Word Sentence from the text Definition 
Enthusiast the imagination of scientists and space enthusiasts alike. a person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject.
Potential Let’s take a closer look at Mars and the potential of humans moving there. having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future.
Abundant While Earth is beautiful and abundant, we must face the reality that our actions are harming our planet. existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
Generate We would need to find ways to grow food, create sustainable habitats, and generate the resources necessary for survival. produce or create.


Global Inferencing: Making Connections between the Text and the Wider World


Would you want to be one of the first people living on Mars?

Come up with solid reasons for your choice, and provide evidence, and examples to support your reasons.


I would not like to go to mars because I would be scared of martians and it would be scary to be the only one. And if i saw a martian they would try to capture me and make me an alien like them.But at the same time it would be cool to see an alien and the red deserts that stretch as far as the human eye can see. And plus the sunset would be blue and cool if i took a photo.